Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Holiday Time

I am a big fan of this time of year. I get to end October with a diabetic coma, wake up just in time to celbrate my birthday. Play with my new toys for a couple of weeks then engage in my favorite sin: Glutony. And now we are in the amorphous period between Thanksgiving and Christmas that is full of excitedly waiting for presents and fondly remembering eating a large bird with family. I am also vowing to actually do christmas shopping this year and not just getting everyone gift cards, or telling them i'll get them a gift next time i see them and then stiffing them. I actually have an idea of what I am going to get some people this year, it should be fun.

Last week was kind of harsh on me at times so I am pretending it didn't even exist. Thanksgiving was good, and I got cultured for a bit, but I also had to deal with doctors and hospitals. So this week I am just going to be happy and not let anything get to me.

Note: I dig feel emotionally in touch with chicks that are hot vote.

Friday, November 19, 2004


This week had been going so awesome. Seems like every day and every night got better.

but then today i woke up feeling kind of off, and after lunch i was just horrible. so i'm going home now and hoping i can recover a bit before this evening.

if i die in my sleep just use a stick to push me over into a ditch.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Thor's Day!

As I was wasting time this morning downloading ring tones, I had to puzzle this quandry:

If you had to sum yourself up in one song, what would it be?

This was a hard one for me, and as of right now, I still don't have a final answer, but here are the top prospects:

Tom Petty - It's Good to be King
Outkast - So Fresh, So Clean
Bustah Rhymes - The Whole World's Lookin at Me
Marcy's Playground - Deadly Handsome Man

Any input from those who know me would be much appreciated.

and for those of you who are wondering: No, I do not, in fact, have problems with my Self Esteem. and, Yes, I do think that one day I will meet someone that I can love more than myself. There will probably only be one person like that, but she's out there, somewhere.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

How much do you worship me?

Due to popular demand, my fan club is now open for business.

I am now taking applications. Please include:


and answer the following questions:

How have I changed your life?

How many people would you be willing to kill for a chance to meet me?

Also, recopy and sign the following statement:

I hereby pledge my loyalty and service to Blair. I solmnly swear to regard him as royalty and scream like a school girl if I ever see him in person. I also vow to pledge my devotion by naming all children after him.

The membership dues are $5 a year, payable to "I wish Blair was really rich" fund.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

"Rice IT" must be spanish for "we don't have a clue"

Just got back from the Rice IT technology fair they have been hyping for two weeks. Supposedly lots of vendors ready to answer any question about how their product can help you. I just went to register to win an IPod, but decided to walk around and ask a few questions. Here is how my visit went:

The Rice IT Infrastructure booth:

Blair: "Are you guys planning on upgrading GRB hall to 100 Mbit?"

IT guy: "Yes, most definitely. If we get the money, the minimum anywhere on campus will be 100 Mbit, with most places at a Gig."

Blair: "Cool, when do you find out about funding?"

IT: "It goes up in front of the board at the end of the month. But our chances of funding are virtually nil."

Blair: "So when you said "yes, you would definitely be upgraded", you really meant "no, not at all"."

IT: "That is correct."

The Dell Booth:

Blair: "So I hear Dell now offers laptops with Suse."

Dell: "Soo-see?"

Blair: "You know, Linux?"

Dell: "oh Linux. Yeah, I don't know, i'm just here to answer questions, i don't know what all they sell."

The Apple Booth:

Apple guy: "Hey man, come look at this ibook, it has great graphics, good for watching DVD's and gaming."

Blair: "Does it ship with 10.2 or 10.3?"

Apple guy: "Ummmm, it has really good sound and you can play the piano with this cool little program."

Yeah, Rice IT and this whole fair are useless.

Hoe betta have my money!

I'm going to be rich.

During a very lengthy brainstorming discussion until two in the morning I developed the newest holiday must-have gift. It took all the mental capabilities of two very like minded and equally crafty people to derive this marvel of modern technology, but one day every body will use one.

It's called: The Steve-O.

Can't give too much detail cause i don't want to be scooped, but it is a lower cost alternative to Tivo that anyone (and i emphasize: ANYONE) can get and use. Once the patent comes through i'll share a little more, and i'm sure the comercials will be coming shortly.

Also, this late night discussion has left me hurting for sleep. I've got a fun morning of mixing neurotoxins and other liquids of varying degrees of nastiness and I can hardly keep my head up. Sounds like a great morning to start on the Crystal meth addiction i've been planning on and never got around to.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Can't nobody hold me down, Can't nobody take my pride...

By nobody I mostly mean the weather, but if an individual decides to test this, i've got to keep on movin'.

Anyways, I had a great weekend. My older sister is visiting from California, so Friday we went up and hung out at the restaraunt my little sister works at. Lots of fun harassing my sister while she's at work. She probably spit in my drinks and food, but i can't be mad, i'd have done the same thing. Saturday I hung out with the elder sis during the day and got to have fun conversation with my newest friend, a 400 pounder named Tito that just got out of prison. Saturday night i met up with Ping-Pong and K-Bo and played pool then went back to my place to play Halo 2 and X-men till K-Bo's wife realled in the leash and they had to go.

Sunday was the best. My older sis had her baby shower, so i got to hang out with my dad and brother and some of my relatives i haven't seen in a while. Luckily the copious ammounts of smart-assness (i just made that word up) and sarcasm didn't implode the universe when me and all my siblings and father are in the same room.

I also fell in love. Her name is Gwynn, she's 12 weeks old and if I may be so bold, i think she likes me. She's my little sister's friend's brand new daughter. I got to hang out with her while her mom was doing the present thing with all the women-folk. We got to eat together, burp together, and sit around and drool together. Can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday. And she is the best kind of baby...someone elses. So you can give her back to someone else when she needs to be changed and you don't have to get up with her in the middle of the night.

Monday isn't looking so bad either. Looking kind of rainy, but some fun people to talk to and i'm getting a ton of ice cream this afternoon. Woohoo!

Saturday, November 13, 2004

I wish i could sleep!

The worst thing about having a job is that it trains you to get up early. This morning was the first day that i could just sleep till noon and it would be totally cool. And i would have been perfectly alright with that. I went out to the bar my lil' sister works at and then stayed up late and everything. But what time does blair wake up this morning? 9:00! And i had to fight and roll over and go back to sleep several times just to stay in bed that late.

this reminds me of a song.

my posts have been very musically oriented lately. Odd considering how i'm an oversized white boy who can hardly clap, much less dance. Not that I wouldn't like to learn how to dance, but during the learning phase when i step out there and start flailing my seven foot wingspan around, people tend to lose eyes, and get knocked about the head. Oh well, i'll stick to just sitting here and looking good. That, I've got mastered.

Friday, November 12, 2004

The Influences of Popular Culture

I grew up in The Woodlands, Texas. A very waspy upper-middle to mid-upper class suburb on the north side of Houston. Lots of golf, tennis, soccer moms, happy white families with 2.6 children. You know, the standard Mecca for hip-hop and hard urban music growing up. Some of my earliest memories are sitting out on the stoop in my Lacoste shirt with the little alegator on it, and my bugle boy jeans, bobbing my head to A Tribe Called Quest. Living in this harsh suburban environment allowed me identify with the stress, pain, and frustration my musical idols were also experiencing in the borroughs of new york and in the gang riddled areas of southern california.

The music i grew up listening to not only shaped my hard edged persona and steely cold demeanor but also set forth a list of goals that young men of the street, such as my self, must aspire to achieve. The following is my list of tasks that I feel I must complete for my life to be complete and references to the music that inspired them.

*Get Busy in a Burger King Bathroom -- If it's good enough for Humpty, it's good enough for me. And if I could find a girl that was down with that, she'd be up for all kinds of stuff. But that is a whole other, much less PG list.

*Get Silly with a Nine Milly Like What's the Dealy Yo -- Not exactly sure how to do this, but if it involves bringing forth a shower of flaming hot hollow point lead then I can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon.

*I must, one day, Jump on it -- Sounds like a good time, and the first verse let's me know that it is very possible in Texas. Also Sir Mix-a-lot endorses it, and he has never lead me astray.

*Name my kids ghetto names, like little mookie, big al, lorraine -- I think this one speaks for itself. How cool would that be to go to a t-ball game and watch your kid throw someone out at first and get to yell "Little Mookie Owns you Foo'!"?

*Put together a Posse that is down to ride no matter what -- To do this first i'll have to start a gang. I'm working on that, just need to pick a name so I can start recruiting. I will call my crew either: 1. the West U Soul Reapers, and having everyone wear a black headband and have a brand of a scythe on their backs. or 2. Team Discovery Channel and have everyone buy a museum membership. Tough call.

*Not only be down with OPP, but down with a discount -- This is hard because it requires a partner who is also down.

*Get Funky on the Mic like an old Batch of Collard Greens -- I'm from the south, so I know just how funky that is, and damn, it would be sweet to get that funky.

*One day, I hope to be able to Pass the Courvoisier -- Seems like something all the cool kids are doing, why not me too?

Well that's about it. The things I must complete before I die in order to be fulfilled. Any of you other wiggers out there want to hook a homie up on some of these, just holla.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Workin' for da man....

I have done more work today than in the past month combined. I need to pace myself better. This productivity came at the expense of staring blankly out the window, checking my mail a dozen extra time, looking up random useless crap on the internet, the second hour of lunch, and leaving an hour earlier. I just can't give all that up. If i overwork i'll just end up spraining my motivation and then not be able to work at all.

so, i'm going to go have some fun tonight and accomplish absolutely nothing at work tomorrow, which i fell i have just completely justified.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Giddy like a school girl....

I got Halo 2 for my birthday. My sister rocks. As much as I tend to bad mouth Microsoft, i've got some serious love for my Xbox right now. Fable, X-men legends, and Halo2. It's a good thing I can't find a woman who would like to be my girlfriend, because that relationship would suffer in the short term. (note: the preceding comment should not deter young attractive women from contacting me if you would like to be my girlfriend. ( note on note: begging for a girl on the internet.....i have sunk to a new low))

Anyways, i'm off to bed now, got to rest up for this weekend.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

How Come Smart People are so Dumb?

Disclaimer: The two things I don't want this blog to be are political and theological, I am posting this mostly as a commentary on the inability of people in society to see the middle ground on a "grey" topic. Comments are welcome, but I am neither promoting or damning either side.

This morning while getting ready to come to school I saw a news story on the latest court battle involving teaching evolution in schools. This time it is in Georgia. The article is here. The basis of the battle is that parents and legislators who are opposed the teaching of evolution want a warning lable placed on text books stating the evolution is only a theory and should not be treated as fact. Those in favor of evolution view this as an endorsement of religion in public schools and they feel it undermines the lessons being taught.

My personal feelings are these: Why can't creationism (or intellegent design if you prefer) and evolution co-exist?

Here is my rational: Evolution is based on the thought that if selective pressures are placed on a large enough population, individuals who have gained advantageous traits through random mutation will survive and eventually dominate the population. Based on the various environments and breeding paterns the exact traits in any given location may differ for organisms derived from the same "parent" species. That is to say, if there is an earthquake that opens a huge canyon that divides a population of squirls in half, and one side of this canyon is lush and tropical, and the other is dry and arid, after a million years, the two sub populations of squirls may have gained different traits on not resemble each other much even though they arose from the same original founders.

There is still plenty of room for a higher power here. The mutations that arise in a population may not be, in fact, random. A higher being could bestow a few choice individuals with these natural advantages. Also, maybe a higher being is what applies the selective pressure, i.e. someone starts the earthquake, or causes drought, or makes it hot. Also, selection of a trait is also based on breeding paterns, there is room for a controlling force to direct selected individuals to mate and choose which of the two sets of genes each parent possesses gets passed down to the progeny.

This is exactly how i present evolution and creationism to people who are very staunchly in one camp or the other. For those who are very strongly opposed to the thought of higher beings then they can just ignore the driving forces and assume all is under the control of biology, chemistry and physics.

If this still offends anyone who has strong feelings on either side i'd like to hear why (this is not an invitation to flame me). If a strong logical argument could be made from either side it may pursuade me change my personal views on how this all works.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Humorous Conversation of the Day:

Travis: I took some liquid nitrogen out of the lab yesterday and took it outside and poured it all on the ant hill, totally froze it.

Blair: Cool, were they all like trying to run away and having their legs break off and stuff?

Travis: No, it wasn't T-1000 or anything, but it was cool, I brought this chick with me to watch.

Blair: Oh yeah, cause chicks love frozen ants, i'm surpised her pants didn't fall off right then and there.

Travis: I don't know, they might have.

Blair: Might? You didn't notice if she was wearing pants or not?

Travis: Well when you are whaling on some ants as hard as I was you don't notice other stuff so much.

Blair: I think you need to get your priorities in order.

Travis: Well, one of us does. What is the use of seducing a woman if an army of ants picks her up and carries her away.

Blair: I stand corrected.

Oh No! My Weekend is Over!

It's monday again. I am not thrilled about this, but I don't hate my job so I don't detest them like some people do. I had a pretty fun weekend, here is the low down.

Friday: It was my birthday! Actually went to work for the first part of the day, brownie points for that. Took off at lunch and went and picked up a birthday gift from a friend. It was a set of Samarai Swords. Yeah, you read that right, Swords! One of the completely random gifts that you would never buy yourself yet kind of makes sense when someone else does. They are really cool. I am not trained with them at all, but if nothing else, good for sparking up conversation when i have company over. That night I also went to Chuck-E-Cheese. Pizza, Games, Prizes! yay birthday!

Saturday: I was given the opportunity to buy a ticket to the Texas A&M vs. Oklahoma football game at Kyle Field. Not only are these tickets hard to come by, but I got them for half price. Thank you Dr. Thomas Page. I had no info on where the tickets were before the game, but when I got there and recieved the tickets from him I found out that they were front row right on the goal line, student side. AWESOME SEATS! One of the best football games I've ever been to. My ears still kind of hurt from some of the deafening roar. We were seated right next to the Visitor Section and I must Commend the Oklahoma fans for being gratious and respectful. We both cheered for our teams as loud as we could but didn't disrespect the other at all. And for those who saw the game, every time A&M punted in the fourth quarter, all the Oklahoma fans started chanting "Watch the fake! Watch the fake!". I wish the final score had gone our way, but I still had fun. It was the first time I'd be able to get back to a game since 2001.

Sunday: did the birthday with the family thing. Got to relax, hang out with my dad and brother and eat some cake. good stuff. i also went and saw The Incredibles that night. Excellent movie, especially for guys like me who have a bit of a super hero complex. I'd recommend it to all, young and old.

But alas, now it is back to work. Maybe i'll go try to make a difference in the world.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Happy Birthday to Me!

So today is my birthday. I am 24 years old now. It is also Guy Fox (Fauwkes) day, for those of you who don't know he is the only man to enter parliment with honest intentions. In some protestant parts of the world it is also Pope's day. So you have three choices for today:

1) attmept to blow up the british parliment building

2) burn a likeness of the pope in effigy

3) buy me a gift and bring it to me

I'd personally prefer number three, but whatever floats your boat.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Work is slow today

Still nothing to do at work for the moment so I will discuss myself in a public forum....I don't see how that could go bad at all..... Luckily for me, none of the following will be serious...or will it?

As I finished my last post, I scrolled down and looked the list of other recently updated blogs. One was titled A Pirates Life for me, I just couldn't resist. I read it, the girl seems somewhat interesting, nothing that really knocked my sox off, but only read one or two postings. It is definitely a more visually stimulating blog than mine...i need to work on that.

Anyways, it got me thinking. What do I want to be when I grow up. Originaly Steve Miller had inspired me to be either a space cowboy, or a gangster of love...unfortunately I didn't feel as though changing my name to maurice was something I wanted to do. So I was left with my fallback choices: Ninja or Pirate. (hence the interest in the blog mentioned above.) I have struggled with this for a while, and at one time was presented with the thought that I could become a Ninja Pirate! I was very enthused by this, and marveled at the thought. And unstoppable force of stealth and peg legged pilaging. Plus i could just flip out and kill people! (real ultimate power reference there.) But alas, a few weeks ago i saw a shirt in Hot Topic that informed me that Ninjas and Pirates don't get along. So now I must decide what I really want to be when I finish graduate school and come to grips with the fact that I can only have ninja friends or pirate friends, but not both. It is a tough decision, but i'm starting to realize that Dr. Long Shanks sounds a little better than Dr. Yokimahishu.

Only time will tell, and the economy, I hear plundering isn't quite as profitable as it was a few years ago, and while ninja assassins won't be the richest, they will always be in demand.

Interesting Sites Everyone Should Visit

Today is a public service day. I am posting this so that everyone will have access to a couple of websites I visit fairly regularly and enjoy. And anything Blair does has to be cool right? right. Also if my mail fraud scheme goes south and the Federales get wise to me and take me down, I'll try to bargain with the DA to get this counted as community service time already served. Much like most of the celebrity drunkards, i'll just commit any crime against humanity I want, get sentenced to 60 days in prison and never see the inside of cell because I already talked to an elementary school and played in a charity golf tournament so that counts and prison time. At least I think this how the system works, it's what always happens on Celebrity Justice.

Anyways, back to what I had originally intended to talk about. Web Comics. I visit two often. The first is the Daily Dinosaur Comic. Funny stuff, and exactly the kind of comic I could do. the exact same 6 frames every day with a different witty dialouge. Fun stuff. Very deep, philisophical insight into where we came from and what it would be like if a T-rex got drunk and engaged in a homosexual tryst with a Raptor.

My favorite however is 8-bit Theater. For anyone who has ever played the original Final Fantasy, this site is pure gold. And I know several people who don't play video games at all and still enjoy it. This site is soley responsible for coining the terms Stabbity Death, and Sword-chucks. Both of which are very heavily under used. I must warn you, you will at some point wet your pants while reading. Please be sure to lay down a tarp, or wear rubber underwear or something, I don't want to be responsible for the public humiliation that may ensue at work, or the ruining of that nice computer chair you use at home.

That is all.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Just had to make this observation

So I decided to update and fill out my profile a little more in hopes of expanding my readership. I filled in my name and junk and then it asked me to list my interests. Well I never know what to put in the boxes so i figured i'd put some rather innocuos stuff that my be slightly humorous (i can't take anything seriously). I put clones, and mutants (both references to my work as a geneticist, but also cause i have a passing like for x-men movies and video games), then i put computers, basketball, and movies (very generic, i might as well just have put breating). Then i felt like i needed one more thing so I was going to put Hot Chicks, but felt some people might have been offended so I just put Women.

Ok, so easy enough, nothing mind blowing. I save and choose to view my profile and it turns out the interests i entered turn out to be links to other profiles with similar stuff. So i click the first two and get a couple of random people, no big deal. Just for fun I click Women, just to see what comes up and i end up being quite taken aback. turns out that other people also had this same idea, and for some reason they also list interest last. But it also turns out that all these other people are either 12 boys who think they are suave, or old fat sexual deviants (most notably a 51 year old guy with a mullet named Roy). Yay, I have just officially joined the dregs of internet society. I will probably remove that interest in a few days, but i'll leave it up for now so that some of you can try it and see what comes up.

try it for yourself: Women

i am so ashamed....

Brand new versions of the exact same stuff

So Bush won, which means Texas won, and Guns won, and the Military won. But this also means that Kerry lost, and gays lost, the yanks lost, and my future career as a stem cell researcher lost. It is exaclty as I figured it would be, no matter who won it was going to be a draw. (I am purposefully not revealing how I feel about any of the above topics winning or losing, except those yanks, god I hate them. Long live the south! The dixiecrats will rise again!...without all the racist b.s. that they stood for before) But now we get to hear more rhetoric about how we are going to keep doing the exact same thing with the exact same results, but differently. At least the Bush twins got to spend last night passed out on the floor because of celebration shots instead of passed out on the floor because of depression shots.

Ah well, i'll keep living the same as I ever have and be just fine.

On the sports front, the NBA season was just as bitter sweet as the election:

The Rockets lost :(, but there was actually bench scoring:). The Lakers won :(, but kobe sucked :), so Rudy Tomjanovich won :). I didn't know how to feel when all was said and done, so I just drank till I didn't feel. (side note:I need to find a good sports bar with cool people to hang out with in Katy, suggestions are welcome.)

Second of a back to back tonight, against the raptors. As long as we conatin Vince "Ouch, My Knee!" Carter, and don't let Bosh drop one of those "Where in the hell did that come from?" threes on us we should be good.

If you can't tell i'm sraping the bottom of the barrel for content, I sure hope something interesting happens to me soon.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day and other stuff

It has been a week or so since my last post so I guess I should rehash a bit about what i've been up to.


that's about it.

Halloween came and went, I live in the back of an apartment complex on the third floor, I didn't get a single trick or treater. But on the bright side, the lady at the checkout counter and the grocery store didn't even bat an eye when I strolled up with multiple pounds of chocolate candy in my arms. Any holiday that allows me to openly engage in glutony without having to hide my head in shame is alright by me. (Side note: Reece's Peanut Butter Cups Rock!)

I am a subscriber to netflix which is great because I can add a movie to my list whenever anyone mentions one, or when i just randomly think about something I'd like to see and I never have to worry about forgetting. It will just eventually show up in my mail box when it rolls to the top of the queue. It is by this method that I got to see two movies I had been meaning to this week. The first was Reservoir Dogs. It is tarrentinos first movie. Very rough around the edges, not nearly as polished as Pulp Fiction or the Kill Bill movies, but good.

The second movie was Boondock Saints. The newest addition to my list of all time favorites. Funny at times, lots of organized crime, and vigilanteism. A recipee for success if i've ever seen one. Great movie if you just want to see a good couple of gun fights, i'd recomended borrowing the DVD because the extra features or pretty funny. An exerpt from the deleted scenes: "If you were going to be hiring big fat ugly lesbians, why didn't you call your mom?"

And that brings us to today. Election Day. I'm not going to get into who I voted for and why because I don't want this blog to be that kind of forum. What I will say is that unfortunately, neither candidate struck me as the type of person that I would want representing me on a global stage, or even as a person that would adequately represent my personal needs on the home front. So, I voted based on who I thought would be best for the future, that is who i thought would do the best at filling the 3 seats on the supreme court that will most likely be coming open in the next four years, and the person who wouldn't pass any sort of radical legislation that would shoot our country in the collective foot and require years of economic repair. I can't say i'm thrilled with my vote, but I do believe it was best of the available options. (though badznerick was interesting as a libertarian).

On other voting related thoughts: I voted in Katy, which is in Fort Bend County Texas. Not exactly a political hotbed. I was given a ballot with about 15 positions I could vote for. The problem: Only two of these positions were contested. President and Texas Railroad Commishoner. I explained my presidential position above and I must admit that I wasn't too up on the railroad commish position and i refuse to vote based on party line or name recognition just because i like to think i'm a more intellegent voter than that so I courteously abstained from voting for either candidate up for that position. It was kind of sad really. I ended up voting for the guy running unopposed for U.S. House of Representatives seat just to say that I had voted for more than just the president.

We'll see how this mess turns out. With all the stupidity that has surfaced over at Debold, I'll be surprised if we have a president by memorial day. The appeals will be never ending. I'll flip over to election results during time outs at the Rocket's game.

THAT'S RIGHT! Basketball season is here! I love this time of year. there is at least one game to watch every night and college will get mixed in to boot. Unfortunately Texas A&M where I got my B.S. is a horrible basketball school, and Rice, while on the rise is not a national contender. So I cheer for Michigan, UNC, and UConn and any other team i take a liking to over the season. I just like basketball, I'll watch almost any men's game. Not women's though, that is like watching a really over weight toothless stripper. All the same basic fundamentals are there, without the really jaw dropping moves and visual appeal that are what make you want to spend your time and your money. It's just not the same. I'll keep you posted on my Houston Rockets as the season progresses.

that's all i got for now.