It has been a week or so since my last post so I guess I should rehash a bit about what i've been up to.
that's about it.
Halloween came and went, I live in the back of an apartment complex on the third floor, I didn't get a single trick or treater. But on the bright side, the lady at the checkout counter and the grocery store didn't even bat an eye when I strolled up with multiple pounds of chocolate candy in my arms. Any holiday that allows me to openly engage in glutony without having to hide my head in shame is alright by me. (
Side note: Reece's Peanut Butter Cups Rock!)
I am a subscriber to netflix which is great because I can add a movie to my list whenever anyone mentions one, or when i just randomly think about something I'd like to see and I never have to worry about forgetting. It will just eventually show up in my mail box when it rolls to the top of the queue. It is by this method that I got to see two movies I had been meaning to this week. The first was Reservoir Dogs. It is tarrentinos first movie. Very rough around the edges, not nearly as polished as Pulp Fiction or the Kill Bill movies, but good.
The second movie was Boondock Saints. The newest addition to my list of all time favorites. Funny at times, lots of organized crime, and vigilanteism. A recipee for success if i've ever seen one. Great movie if you just want to see a good couple of gun fights, i'd recomended borrowing the DVD because the extra features or pretty funny. An exerpt from the deleted scenes: "If you were going to be hiring big fat ugly lesbians, why didn't you call your mom?"
And that brings us to today. Election Day. I'm not going to get into who I voted for and why because I don't want this blog to be that kind of forum. What I will say is that unfortunately, neither candidate struck me as the type of person that I would want representing me on a global stage, or even as a person that would adequately represent my personal needs on the home front. So, I voted based on who I thought would be best for the future, that is who i thought would do the best at filling the 3 seats on the supreme court that will most likely be coming open in the next four years, and the person who wouldn't pass any sort of radical legislation that would shoot our country in the collective foot and require years of economic repair. I can't say i'm thrilled with my vote, but I do believe it was best of the available options. (though badznerick was interesting as a libertarian).
On other voting related thoughts: I voted in Katy, which is in Fort Bend County Texas. Not exactly a political hotbed. I was given a ballot with about 15 positions I could vote for. The problem: Only two of these positions were contested. President and Texas Railroad Commishoner. I explained my presidential position above and I must admit that I wasn't too up on the railroad commish position and i refuse to vote based on party line or name recognition just because i like to think i'm a more intellegent voter than that so I courteously abstained from voting for either candidate up for that position. It was kind of sad really. I ended up voting for the guy running unopposed for U.S. House of Representatives seat just to say that I had voted for more than just the president.
We'll see how this mess turns out. With all the stupidity that has surfaced over at Debold, I'll be surprised if we have a president by memorial day. The appeals will be never ending. I'll flip over to election results during time outs at the Rocket's game.
THAT'S RIGHT! Basketball season is here! I love this time of year. there is at least one game to watch every night and college will get mixed in to boot. Unfortunately Texas A&M where I got my B.S. is a horrible basketball school, and Rice, while on the rise is not a national contender. So I cheer for Michigan, UNC, and UConn and any other team i take a liking to over the season. I just like basketball, I'll watch almost any men's game. Not women's though, that is like watching a really over weight toothless stripper. All the same basic fundamentals are there, without the really jaw dropping moves and visual appeal that are what make you want to spend your time and your money. It's just not the same. I'll keep you posted on my Houston Rockets as the season progresses.
that's all i got for now.