Thursday, November 04, 2004

Work is slow today

Still nothing to do at work for the moment so I will discuss myself in a public forum....I don't see how that could go bad at all..... Luckily for me, none of the following will be serious...or will it?

As I finished my last post, I scrolled down and looked the list of other recently updated blogs. One was titled A Pirates Life for me, I just couldn't resist. I read it, the girl seems somewhat interesting, nothing that really knocked my sox off, but only read one or two postings. It is definitely a more visually stimulating blog than mine...i need to work on that.

Anyways, it got me thinking. What do I want to be when I grow up. Originaly Steve Miller had inspired me to be either a space cowboy, or a gangster of love...unfortunately I didn't feel as though changing my name to maurice was something I wanted to do. So I was left with my fallback choices: Ninja or Pirate. (hence the interest in the blog mentioned above.) I have struggled with this for a while, and at one time was presented with the thought that I could become a Ninja Pirate! I was very enthused by this, and marveled at the thought. And unstoppable force of stealth and peg legged pilaging. Plus i could just flip out and kill people! (real ultimate power reference there.) But alas, a few weeks ago i saw a shirt in Hot Topic that informed me that Ninjas and Pirates don't get along. So now I must decide what I really want to be when I finish graduate school and come to grips with the fact that I can only have ninja friends or pirate friends, but not both. It is a tough decision, but i'm starting to realize that Dr. Long Shanks sounds a little better than Dr. Yokimahishu.

Only time will tell, and the economy, I hear plundering isn't quite as profitable as it was a few years ago, and while ninja assassins won't be the richest, they will always be in demand.


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