Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Hoe betta have my money!

I'm going to be rich.

During a very lengthy brainstorming discussion until two in the morning I developed the newest holiday must-have gift. It took all the mental capabilities of two very like minded and equally crafty people to derive this marvel of modern technology, but one day every body will use one.

It's called: The Steve-O.

Can't give too much detail cause i don't want to be scooped, but it is a lower cost alternative to Tivo that anyone (and i emphasize: ANYONE) can get and use. Once the patent comes through i'll share a little more, and i'm sure the comercials will be coming shortly.

Also, this late night discussion has left me hurting for sleep. I've got a fun morning of mixing neurotoxins and other liquids of varying degrees of nastiness and I can hardly keep my head up. Sounds like a great morning to start on the Crystal meth addiction i've been planning on and never got around to.


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