Monday, November 08, 2004

Oh No! My Weekend is Over!

It's monday again. I am not thrilled about this, but I don't hate my job so I don't detest them like some people do. I had a pretty fun weekend, here is the low down.

Friday: It was my birthday! Actually went to work for the first part of the day, brownie points for that. Took off at lunch and went and picked up a birthday gift from a friend. It was a set of Samarai Swords. Yeah, you read that right, Swords! One of the completely random gifts that you would never buy yourself yet kind of makes sense when someone else does. They are really cool. I am not trained with them at all, but if nothing else, good for sparking up conversation when i have company over. That night I also went to Chuck-E-Cheese. Pizza, Games, Prizes! yay birthday!

Saturday: I was given the opportunity to buy a ticket to the Texas A&M vs. Oklahoma football game at Kyle Field. Not only are these tickets hard to come by, but I got them for half price. Thank you Dr. Thomas Page. I had no info on where the tickets were before the game, but when I got there and recieved the tickets from him I found out that they were front row right on the goal line, student side. AWESOME SEATS! One of the best football games I've ever been to. My ears still kind of hurt from some of the deafening roar. We were seated right next to the Visitor Section and I must Commend the Oklahoma fans for being gratious and respectful. We both cheered for our teams as loud as we could but didn't disrespect the other at all. And for those who saw the game, every time A&M punted in the fourth quarter, all the Oklahoma fans started chanting "Watch the fake! Watch the fake!". I wish the final score had gone our way, but I still had fun. It was the first time I'd be able to get back to a game since 2001.

Sunday: did the birthday with the family thing. Got to relax, hang out with my dad and brother and eat some cake. good stuff. i also went and saw The Incredibles that night. Excellent movie, especially for guys like me who have a bit of a super hero complex. I'd recommend it to all, young and old.

But alas, now it is back to work. Maybe i'll go try to make a difference in the world.


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