Monday, November 08, 2004

Humorous Conversation of the Day:

Travis: I took some liquid nitrogen out of the lab yesterday and took it outside and poured it all on the ant hill, totally froze it.

Blair: Cool, were they all like trying to run away and having their legs break off and stuff?

Travis: No, it wasn't T-1000 or anything, but it was cool, I brought this chick with me to watch.

Blair: Oh yeah, cause chicks love frozen ants, i'm surpised her pants didn't fall off right then and there.

Travis: I don't know, they might have.

Blair: Might? You didn't notice if she was wearing pants or not?

Travis: Well when you are whaling on some ants as hard as I was you don't notice other stuff so much.

Blair: I think you need to get your priorities in order.

Travis: Well, one of us does. What is the use of seducing a woman if an army of ants picks her up and carries her away.

Blair: I stand corrected.


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