Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Stay away from the crazies!

I'd hate to date a crazy person. Mostly because my repetoir of suave moves would be rendered useless against the cerebral dishelvement in which my prey would live.

Case in point: After about a month of dating someone it is usually good to say "tell me something about you I don't know". When it is my turn I usually have some scripted tripe about crying during Steel Magnolias or enjoying reading The Joy Luck Club in highschool so that I appear sensitive and understanding. I would expect to hear something endearing like "I have a teddy bear I still sleep with" or "I used to have a crush on Zach Morris". But with a crazy she would fire back with something like "Sometimes my rectum bleeds uncontrollably" or "I've always wanted to strangle someone while they slept". The crazy would then think that you shared and intimate moment and would want to be closer to you, and I would just want to change my name to Javier Sanchez and live out the rest of my life as a file clerk safely tucked away in the anonymity of rural Wisconsin.

Yeah, it would suck to be stuck with a crazy and all their personalities and pyschotropic drugs and alcoholism. But really, who am I kidding? I should be happy with what I can get. My only pick up line is "Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform?".


At 10:32 PM, Blogger aughra said...

Crazy chicks are the best in bed.

At least, that's what my exes all told me.

At 10:16 AM, Blogger Blog ho said...

there are no mexicans in Wisconsin

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Anti-Blogger said...

What is wrong with rectal bleeding?

At 10:10 AM, Blogger B said...

aughs - so i've heard. but i'm not into the pain, or having to listen to 4 different personalities fight over how they like it.

ho - sure there are, but in wisconsin they are called "canadians"

mmm - for what?

ab - nothing, as long as i never have to hear about it.

At 8:49 PM, Blogger boabhan sith said...

Hey, I think I've heard that pick up line.
...my memory is kinda fuzzy that night.


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