Trial by Fire
Yesterday was my Progress Re-review. It didn't go so bad. There was some concern with the fact that my entire thesis up to this point is based on a single result obtained by another person. But I'm trying to keep faith in the possibility that if I can just get my stuff up and running I will be able to quickly generate enough data to placate their fears. The rest of their comments were about how I seem to be inable to read what I have written. I'm closer to my Ph.D. than to grade school and I still mispell the vast majority of words I write down (as if you couldn't tell). Also, I seem to be rather fond of the complex and indirect grammer which is with the making them of the disposition that is often referred to as confused. My retort is as such: Bah! Simplicity is for women and children!
So now that this is over I can focus on the next sould crushing weight: My admission to candidacy exam. Basically like a progress review on steroids, lots of steroids, and lacking a functional copy of the myostatin gene, oh and both human and bovine growth hormone. And don't forget ill tempered and evil...much like the sea bass.
That is not due till Oct. 1, so I can take advantage of the rest of this week to drink myself into a delerious stupor and forget any of this has happened or is hanging over my head. Oh what fun it is to tread the fine line between self control and self abuse.