Thursday, December 09, 2004

Hot Chocolate, Snowmen, Oversized Sweaters

Doesn't that just give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside?

I wish I had that feeling, but I don't. For a multitude of reasons:

It is F'in 80 degrees outside. I don't know why this bothers me every year, I have lived in and around Houston for 24 years now, I have only seen snow twice, it only stuck once, and even they it wasn't enough to fully cover the streets. I sure hope this massive polar shift we are over due for happens soon, i'm in serious need of a climate change.

Also, I'm sick. And it is the worst kind of sick. Not the "oh just let me die, i think my head is going to expload kind of sick", the kind that just kind of bothers you and you can't justify staying home so you go to work and just let the headache and stuffiness harass you. The mild cold is my arch nemesis. Well maybe not my arch nemesis, gravity holds that spot. One day gravity, i'm warning you, your time will come.

And, i'm still at work. How come i can't just take december off and sit on my ass and play video games and basketball all month? That is why the germans are so much more productive than us, they recognize the benefit of doing absolutely nothing for weeks at a time.

Well, just the rest of this week and next and i get a small vacation. I will be sure to not get anything done during that time. and i'll mask my sorrow for the lack of snow with glee stemming from the copious ammounts of spinkle covered cookie goodness i will consume.


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