Thursday, April 21, 2005

Performance Art

I am quitting my job to move to New York (or maybe Las Vegas) and start an off broadway show. In this show I will throw a series of felines (each larger than the last) into a clear vat of petroleum jelly. First a house cat, then an ocelot, then a cheetah, then a mountain lion, then a tiger, then a lion. They will all struggle but eventually drown due to the fact that they cannot swim through such a thick and sticky substance. After they all have died, the stage will go dark except for a single spotlight pointed at a small boy crying in the corner. He will be holding a sign that reads "Viscosity Killed the Cat".


At 2:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, it must be fun inside your head.

At 11:15 AM, Blogger 3am wanderer said...

why not just throw the actors playing Cats? It will save you some money, but maybe not the scratch marks.

At 11:09 AM, Blogger Blog ho said...


At 9:04 AM, Blogger aughra said...

Is Vegas ready for pun-based performance art?

At 3:50 PM, Blogger B said...

Tina - You have no idea, i'd let you in, but you have to have a note from your psychotherapist first.

Julia - Someone from the cast of cats, someone dressed up as a thundercat, someone named Catherine...the sequels and interpretations are endless

MelMar - fuck PETA, those hippies suck

Ho - I know

Aughra - Vegas will put any crap on the stage if you can find a foreign sucker willing to pay money to see it.

At 11:37 AM, Blogger boabhan sith said...'ll send us tickets, right...that's one show that I'd like to see!


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