Performance Art
I am quitting my job to move to New York (or maybe Las Vegas) and start an off broadway show. In this show I will throw a series of felines (each larger than the last) into a clear vat of petroleum jelly. First a house cat, then an ocelot, then a cheetah, then a mountain lion, then a tiger, then a lion. They will all struggle but eventually drown due to the fact that they cannot swim through such a thick and sticky substance. After they all have died, the stage will go dark except for a single spotlight pointed at a small boy crying in the corner. He will be holding a sign that reads "Viscosity Killed the Cat".
Wow, it must be fun inside your head.
why not just throw the actors playing Cats? It will save you some money, but maybe not the scratch marks.
Is Vegas ready for pun-based performance art?
Tina - You have no idea, i'd let you in, but you have to have a note from your psychotherapist first.
Julia - Someone from the cast of cats, someone dressed up as a thundercat, someone named Catherine...the sequels and interpretations are endless
MelMar - fuck PETA, those hippies suck
Ho - I know
Aughra - Vegas will put any crap on the stage if you can find a foreign sucker willing to pay money to see it.'ll send us tickets, right...that's one show that I'd like to see!
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