Monday, October 18, 2004

Do you have any last requests?

So if you are not mathematically inclined and can't figure out exactly how much time has passed since my last post, let me help you out....a lot.

I'm going to try and be a little bit better about this. Everyone needs a diary (or journal for manly men like me) of some sort. Theraputic and all, and I need all the psychological help I can get at this point. But like most promises I make, this too may prove to be empty and go unfulfilled...we'll see.

So, on to my current life. Or maybe its imminent and very abrupt ending. Tommorrow is my Admission to Candidacy Exam (or La Raping de Anus for you friends from south of the border). It is basically a rapid fire oral examination where I stand in front of table and my committee asks me any question they feel like for several hours. I'm am using using my gift of hyperbole to make this seem a bit more horrid and interesting. If I were totally unperpared it may be so bad, but the truth is I posess an intellect that is rivaled by none so I'll be fine. (oh yeah, and I am the most modest person ever)

So after this exam is all done, i'll finally get to enjoy the baseball playoffs and the beginning of the basketball season without these trival distractions of work and such. Life will be good. I'll try and post how I did in my exam in a couple of days if I don't over do the celebrating being done.


Random thought: Coming in today there was a Ford Focus with the alarm going off. Isn't this like leaving a jar of Mayo out in the sun for three weeks and then placing a note on it that says "please do not eat"? Is there really that much of a risk of either being absconded with? Nothing I hate more than a pretentious Ford Focus owner.


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