Wednesday, May 11, 2005

All you base are belong to us....

One day I hope to take over the world by claiming it all in the name of Spain, then leading a military coup to overthrow the government of Spain. I will then gift the world to myself and give Spain back to it's people....or an oppressive dictatorship...or maybe just a powerless monarchy...whichever they are under now.

That doesn't matter, what is important is that I will then own the world. I have already written my first "State of the World" address.

"In order to be the best world we can be we need to strive for perfection. In order to do that we will start by getting rid of countries that are useless wastes of space and a drain on the rest of the world. I will now read a list of these countries in alphabetical order:


That is all. Note, Canadia is on probation."

All the people will love me.


At 3:12 PM, Blogger Anti-Blogger said...

Could you keep France around? I am nervous where all the French will end up.

At 2:33 PM, Blogger B said...

France will either be sunk into the see, or given to the Germans. The germans did ok with it the last couple of times they occupied it. And I think they learned their lesson. They won't dig the mass graves quite as shallow this time. And if any frenchies escape, their pungent aroma will make them easy to track down and kill.


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