Thursday, January 20, 2005

And now back to your regularly scheduled reality....

I guess I will talk about my real life for a change. i know the absurd is more humorous and that is what keeps people coming back (who am I kidding? no one reads this.) but i don't feel like letting you inside my head today.

My work is still just plodding along. I do lots of stuff over and over again and never seem to make any real breakthroughs. I am getting the ever increasing sense of dread that accompanies the realization that you are going to have to drop your project and start over on a new one, having wasted two years of work. If that happens I might just snap. I don't want to still be here when i'm 28.

I've actually tried to make some changes in my life and see if that helps my overall happiness and productivity. we'll see. right now some of the changes have just made me more tired. On the bright side, i'm well on the way to digging myself out of the financial hole i have been stuck in for the last several years. There is nothing quite like the feeling of knowing that you don't owe your soul to others and everything you have is yours, free and clear.

ok, enough rambling, i'm going to get back to work now.


At 7:21 PM, Blogger Blog ho said...

What is your work, I htought you were a student.

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Anti-Blogger said...

As far as I am concerned, you gotta let it out everyonce in a while.

At 11:03 AM, Blogger B said...

I've finished with all my classes, so now all i do all day everyday (even many weekends) is lab research for my thesis project. All that biochemistry genetics stuff you see on 20/20 when they tell you that doctors have found that eating uranium causes throat cancer and that a study was done showing that being fat increases your weight.

At 11:36 PM, Blogger Anti-Blogger said...

So, the next thing you will say is that poking a fork in my eye will cause blindness?? I can't have any fun!

At 2:57 PM, Blogger Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa said...

I sort of know the feeling. I'm doing philosophy instead of biochemistry, and I'm still taking courses instead of writing a thesis... but I still sort of get it.

Good luck.


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