Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Oh, to be famous.....

So far this week I've been reading about what went down at SXSW, especially on the tech front. There has been some discussion about blogging. It has seen its meteoric rise. Everyone and their grandmother leapt online and posted pictures and stories about vacations, and pets, and porn.....lots of porn. But now, it seems that lots of them are falling off the net. Knee-jerk speculation is that blogs are dying off. But I feel as though this is probably a thinning of the field. People are realizing (me being one of them) that it isn't really easy. Posting regularly is hard given a work schedule. Coming up with content worth a damn can be virtually impossible at time.

Those that have mastered these skills are becoming small out of the mainstream celebrities. As I am writing this I am listening to the SXSW day 1 keynote between Dooce and Kottke. Dooce has done a series of TV and radio recently that is getting her face recognized by more of the general public. But, only the true techies know what(who) kottke is. And only those in blogspace have really read Dooce and know her more for the style and humor than for the motherhood/public vs. private issues. Oh, and the dog. But these people who have become popular can now even support themselves based solely on blogging.

I guess I don't have any aspirations to be able to support myself, and the truth is I have no unified focus for this page. But, I would like to find my niche. Maybe know what the goal, and or purpose of this page is. That would probably help with the content issues. I've been kind of half-assing this blog for over a year now. Some of it has been good and there are a small number of people (some of them I don't even know) that come back and read fairly regularly. Development is coming along, and I think the next step is for me to make some sort of commitment to this if I want this to grow. Design needs a major overhaul. Looking into new tools and venues would be neat. But if that will ever happen is still to be seen. Right now this is still a hobby, but I have aspirations and those could one day motivate and inspire. Keep checking back to see what happens.


At 4:05 PM, Blogger Blog ho said...

fuck growth.


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